Thursday 18 January 2018

Spring is here

Good morning all I hope you are all well this morning 
And keeping warm as it’s so cold here.

Today’s card is another one using the Hunkydory Easter kit.

I started with a 8”-8” white card.
I then cut about 3inchs off the right hand side of the front.
With my backing card I cut a strip of lilac card
Which I added to the inside of my card down the right side.

Next I cut a mat out of gold Mirri card for the front
Of my card and then I cut another mat out
Of the matching card. I added these to the front of my card.

Using foam pads I added my topper to the centre top of
The front.
Then I added my sentiment to the bottom corner.

To finish off with I tied a bow which I added to the side of my card.

That’s all for today and thank you for stopping by
And I do appreciate your kind comments.

Hugs Debs xx

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